September 19, 2014

Deacon's Corner

101 Main St. Vancouver                        
Deacon's Corner bills itself as the "Original Gastown Diner" and the "best place for your hangover cure." It does indeed over up some impressive — and sizable — breakfasts. But how are its burgers? Short answer: stick with the breakfasts. The burger was dry and had that out-of-the-freezer taste. It was also considerably smaller than the bun. To be fair, one member of our group did enjoy his "filthy burger," but that's because it was slathered with pulled pork, cheese and bacon. Oddly, some fries seemed over cooked, while others were cooked just right. The mixed-berry pie for dessert was probably the highlight.

We like the spacious booths and old-school decor with framed black-and white photos from the surrounding area. (Side note: as one of us locked up his bike outside the restaurant, he came under unprovoked verbal assault from an unsavoury neighbourhood character, prompting more than a few checks out the window to make sure said bike was OK).

Great! Cheerful and humorous — still managed to make us laugh when she informed us that they had run out of beers.

Kinda disappointing.

Summing it up, eating at Deacon's Corner is like driving an early 90's Camry with a body kit around Saltspring Island with Kim Kardashian in the passenger seat and listening to Daft Punk's Get Lucky (visited on May 27, 2014).